Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Balancing Act

*clears throat* Eh hem! Wassup my lovely readers? Oh how Ive missed you!. The last time we coinhabited this page was when I was on my Mycki Allen Po move. Right now, I need to vent. I mean, I NEED TO VENT! Here's the issue: In the real world, to maintain happily (especially now), you need to focus, work a good job constantly, and watch your surroundings. To chase your dream, you need to be free of almost all ties, have a good amount of funds, and have some strong ass legs because dreams move fast as fuck! So, okay I dig the working a good job thing. Cool. I dig the you need money to make music thing. Cool again. But um, WHERE IS THE FLIPPING BALANCE?!? When you work as much as I do, you have to pay bills..and you BET NOT have no backed up bills or just forget it. Anyway, when you work constantly, you have plenty money but no time. So, your dreams go ----->that way. Or when you not working, the struggling artist thing is admirable but pro bono work is fake. No studio time, no transportation to the studio, no food, nothing but time. As a proud, hard working woman first, Im doing pretty damn good. As an artist, I will sing from now till next NEVER but I have NO TIME TO DO ANYTHING! Help. The artist in me is suffering, struggling, tired, caged in and bored. The picture up there is spinning dishes. Pay too much attention to one plate and the other one is going DOWN. Picture both plates full and then you will feel me. This blog is dedicated to my homie QRock. Why? Because he knows the artist, the person, and needed to meet me, the blogger. Happy Gobble Gobble folks!